Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Do Angels Sing Copyrighted Songs?

I had a discussion with a knowledgable adult male about the Internet.

I mentioned that I am the type who would use labeling, like placing 'copyright protected' labels, or a copyright symbol on my poetry.

I justified this by compairing online 'writer communities' to 'group living' amongst YOUNG (yet good-looking) single people.

When I lived in a household with hungry guys, I would label my food.

IMO, this action is like labeling a new bag of Doritoes with a label that would read :

My Property - DO NOT EAT! [signed, the writer]or

IF YOU EAT MY FOOD -- YOU WILL PAY ME (I am not a free grocery store!)

IMOpinion, labeling objects is a way to let innocent people know...THIS IS NOT Community Property...The owner is claiming this object...you can't just do what you want with my stuff!

Creative Commons License
Dancing Near The Fire (4-part poem) by Ms. M. Dews (pseudonym) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

Link to "Dancing Near The Fīyər": Another Blog (with rules): http://m-thereaderschallengepromise.blogspot.com/

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