Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Blue An-Jay writes a Letter to Lucifer

Dearest Lucifer,

I'm sending you this letter the only way I know how. I 'm told you are the most beautiful one, and I am guided by your love of freedom and form.

I ponder the language I hear, words and their meanings...

Are there black Angels where you are?

In the dictionary, the work black is defined as "soiled, dirty; thoroughly evil: wicked; expressive of condemnation or discredit; invoking the supernatural and esp. the "devil." More definitions follow, "Gloomy, Calamitious: marked by the occurence of disaster, Sullen, Hostile."

When I look up into the night ski, black looks like a beautiful man, with stars in his eyes. I come from a family of "black" dark-skinned people. People I may not see in the dark, like my white tea candles, I can't see, in a black room...without light.

I've heard there were White Angels.

Are they clear? As in "free from color?"

In the dictionary, the word "white" is defined as: "marked by upright fairness; free from spot or blemish: free from moral impunity; innocent; Favorable, Fortunate, or passionate (~ fury...I think of white lightning).

Nothing like the white people I've met on this planet, the tan, pink or snow colored people with their multi-colored hair, and eyes [ Excluding the innocence, found in children].

I know I've seen rainbow reflections from Sunlight...and sometimes on clouds.

If this letter can not reach you, I will continue to cherish freedom, form and beauty especially when I watch the free birds, playing in the ski.

Love, Blue An-Jay.

Creative Commons License
A Letter to Lucifer by Blue An-Jay is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.