[A Sunny Day]2010 Dear Armand, I am writing you because I had an idea. I wrote a letter to Lucifer, the "fallen rebel archangel," whom some people call the Devil. In the Dictionary, it says that Lucifer is the morning star, from the Latin root Lucifer,meaning "light bearing". Under 'Devil', the Dictionary reads: The planet Venus, when appearing as the morning star. I wrote to her! Yes, I connected Venus, the Roman goddess of love and beauty, (also called Aprodite, her Greek name), with Lucifer, the morning star. I know Armand, I've never been off this planet, except when I was in an airplane. I've only looked up to the heavens on clear days and clear nights -- still, I like the spirit of myths. I like personifying the morning star as if the stars were a beautiful woman...touching my life line...inspiring my life and dreams. Lucifer could be a female, a 'star' player in the heavenly game, a rebel angel. A symbol of love and beauty... Attraction? Do you like this idea Armand, my dark vampire friend? I also looked up Satan (sounds like Say-tan), which seems to have a Hebrew orgin. Is the color tan associated with light? Surely not Sunlight.Anyway, I sent my letter up, via, balloon.Nibbles and Bites!~Blue An-Jay 
A Letter To Armand (2) by
Blue An-Jay is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Dearest Lucifer,
I'm sending you this letter the only way I know how. I 'm told you are the most beautiful one, and I am guided by your love of freedom and form.
I ponder the language I hear, words and their meanings...
Are there black Angels where you are?
In the dictionary, the work black is defined as "soiled, dirty; thoroughly evil: wicked; expressive of condemnation or discredit; invoking the supernatural and esp. the "devil." More definitions follow, "Gloomy, Calamitious: marked by the occurence of disaster, Sullen, Hostile."
When I look up into the night ski, black looks like a beautiful man, with stars in his eyes. I come from a family of "black" dark-skinned people. People I may not see in the dark, like my white tea candles, I can't see, in a black room...without light.
I've heard there were White Angels.
Are they clear? As in "free from color?"
In the dictionary, the word "white" is defined as: "marked by upright fairness; free from spot or blemish: free from moral impunity; innocent; Favorable, Fortunate, or passionate (~ fury...I think of white fire...like lightning).
Nothing like the white people I've met on this planet, the tan, pink or snow colored people with their multi-colored hair, and eyes [ Excluding the innocence, found in children].
I know I've seen rainbow reflections from Sunlight...and sometimes on clouds.
If this letter can not reach you, I will continue to cherish freedom, form and beauty especially when I watch the free birds, playing in the ski.
Love, Blue An-Jay.
A Letter to Lucifer by
Blue An-Jay is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.